Amazing Cayenne Pepper Benefits You Need To Know About


So you’ve seen cayenne pepper in the immunity shot at your local juice bar franchise. Did you know that cayenne peppers have been used around the world for their therapeutic attributes as well as spicing it up in the kitchen? Let’s take a breeze through time to explore its origins, cultivation and magical healing powers.

A History Of The Healing Chili

Scientists have found that people have been eating chilis as early as 7,000 B.C., with findings of seeds on the floors of caves in Mexico that were ancient human dwellings. Hot peppers were said to be cultivated between 5200 B.C. and 3400 B.C., as one of the oldest cultivated foods in existence. Later, scholars found that these fiery plants were considered so valuable to the people of Mexico and Central America that it was used as monetary value, as well as an offering to the gods. Most imply that these peppers were a staple in almost every meal, for its digestive properties and its ability to help heal yellow fever.

When Columbus set sail towards the Americas, he was not in search of gold or land, but in fact searching for valuable spices for European royalty. Without the advent of refrigerators, food began rotting as soon as it was picked, so spices were also used to cover the stench upon decay. While Columbus didn’t find the peppercorns he was looking for, him and his accompanying physician, Dr. Diego Alvarez Chanca did find “aji” peppers on their second excursion and brought it back to Europe. From Europe, it was circulated around the globe, grown on most continents and used for both medicinal and flavoring purposes.

Cayenne Pepper Nutritional Facts

Cayenne peppers are a hollowed out fruit that grow into red, orange and yellow long pointy pods when they ripen. This incredible fruit is filled with vitamins such as b6, vitamin E, vitamin C, potassium, and flavonoids. One teaspoon of cayenne pepper contains

12 calories
0 cholesterol
1 gram fat
2 milligrams sodium
1 gram sugar
1 gram protein
44% vitamin A
8% vitamin E
7% vitamin C
6% vitamin B6
5% vitamin K
5% manganese
3% potassium

Cayenne pepper is a great way to get your daily vitamin intake, hence our decision to add it in to some of our favorite Pure Green pressed juice blends, including Wake Up Call and Pure Gingerade. Here are some recognized health benefits to the magical fruit.

Aid In Digestive Health

They say that the quality of your health always starts with your digestive system. First and foremost, the cayenne pepper is recognized for its digestive health attributes. Cayenne peppers activate the salivary gland, which is needed for the digestive process to begin. They also help with enzyme production and to metabolize food, which is essential for proper digestion. Lastly, cayenne peppers can help in improving the stomach’s ability to fight infection and produce stomach fluids.

Cayenne pepper is a great addition to your morning regimen, as getting your digestive process started early in the day is important for boosting metabolism. Pure greens Wake Up Call juice contains apple, lemon, ginger and cayenne for this reason.

Boost Metabolism

Studies show that cayenne peppers have the ability to get your metabolism moving and suppress hunger. In a 2014 study from the Department of Human Biology, Nutrition and Toxicology Institute Maastricht, (NUTRIM) at Maastricht University, it was found that people who ate cayenne peppers with every meal had far fewer cravings and became fuller, quicker. This is due to the thermogenic chemical found in the pepper that creates heat in our body and burns fat and calories. This means good things for those dealing with weight loss.

But this doesn’t mean you should go out and put cayenne pepper on everything you eat. Too much of anything isn’t great for you either. Cayenne pepper in large doses may be a cause for ulcers, so stick to the daily recommended portions.

Helps In Relieving Pain

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, as well as other sources, cayenne pepper contains capsaicin, a chemical compound that tends to relieve pain. This is because capsaicin helps reduce the amount of substance P, a neuropeptide produced by the body that travels to the brain to signal pain. In most pain medication you see out on the market, you will find that they contain capsaicin as one of the ingredients in the mix.

Capsaicin also happens to be offered in a cream form for joint and muscle pain, lower back pain, pain that occurs after a surgery, and pain from any sort of nerve condition, such as shingles.

The same studies have also found major relief for those who suffer from migraines and headaches. On top of which, it reduces the platelet aggregation factor (PAF) which is what is responsible for migrations by constricting blood circulation to the head.

Clears Sinus Congestion

It’s no secret that cayenne peppers are extremely hot. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, sinus division, capsaicin that is contained in the pepper has the ability to thin mucus lining and stimulate the sinuses. Nothing feels better than the first inhale after a bite of one of these chilis.

In fact, if you’re really struggling with your sinuses, capsaicin actually comes in your pharmacy nasal spray and is also offered in capsule form. With that said, if you have cayenne pepper laying around the house, take a teaspoon and add it to a cup of hot water- only if you can handle the double heat. Do this up to three times a day for best results. Doing this dilates blood vessels in your nose, stimulating secretion, and drainage in the sinuses.

Sometimes, congestion can also be caused by bronchitis. According the University of Rochester, cayenne may also help to prevent infections in these instances.These include colds and chills, sinus infections, and sore throats. Even as a gargle, cayenne can be used for laryngitis.

Aids In The Process Of Detoxifying

What does the famous “detox” word mean anyway? Detox, short for detoxification, is the bodies natural process of neutralizing and eliminating toxins. Toxins are substances that can potentially harm body tissue, such as waste products that result from normal cell activity (like ammonia, lactic acid, and homocysteine) and chemicals that we are exposed to in our environment, food, and water. By detoxing, your body can recharge and help all of your internal systems perform at peak.

The liver, intestines, kidneys, lungs, skin, blood, and lymphatic systems have the amazing ability to come together and transform toxins into less harmful compounds and finally excrete them from the body.

One of the more popular detoxing diets includes cayenne pepper and lemon, a formula created in the 1940’s by alternative health practitioner, Stanley Burroughs. This diet included tonic water, lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne. We don’t really recommend this diet anymore, as we now know the importance of including a variety of nutrients in a detox, but it can be a good alternative to a sugary drink.

How does it work? Cayenne contains properties that help the body stimulate circulation and eliminate acidity. By opening the capillaries and regulating blood sugar; it also supports the digestive system in removing bacteria and toxins out of the body.


Common ways to incorporate cayenne into your diet

There is no doubt, that incorporating cayenne into your diet can be tricky, especially if you’re not one for spicy food. Here is a variety of ways - choose to your liking.

  • Place a pinch of cayenne pepper in your hot chocolate and stir in some cinnamon to neutralize the flavor.

  • Add cayenne to your morning egg dishes such as omelettes or even a cold egg salad.

  • Incorporate cayenne into your meat marinades, especially poultry and fish.

  • Take a capsule, which can be found at your local pharmacy or GNC.

  • Indulge in a delicious pressed juice or detox cleanse from Pure Green to cut the spice

  • Add it into a lemonade drink, as lemon and cayenne are natural matches.

  • Mix some cayenne into your daily moisturizing cream to benefit from joint relief.

  • Sprinkle some cayenne on top of your chocolate ice cream.

Sum It Up

Cayenne pepper should be stored in a cool place, away from the sun, as the pepper loses its flavor easily. There are certain people who should not consume cayenne, such as pregnant women, breastfeeding women, or those suffering from ulcers. Be sure to check with your doctor before adding cayenne to your diet. All in all, Cayenne is a unique pepper that is both rich in history and rich in flavor. It’s health benefits are endless and we’ve only covered a few above. And again, be sure to try and add our morning Wake Up Call juice into your daily regime!

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